Vishesh Pratap

vishesh, Author at Institute of Management
Institute of Management, Nirma University - Logo
 Vishesh Pratap Gurjar

Vishesh Pratap Gurjar

Educational Qualification

    PhD (IIT Delhi)

Research Area

    Rural Sociology, Urban Sociology, Political Theory, Political Philosophy, Indian Government and Politics


  • Assistant Professor


  • Department of Undergraduate Studies in Management

General Information


    rural sociology , urban sociology , Urban Transformation


  • I am a social anthropologist who studied place making, identity formation and practices of association with caste among young men in an urban village of Delhi. My interests lies in understanding societies in transition including urban transformations. With a focus on technological changes, I also look at emerging youth culture/s and its socio-political interactions. I love to read on future of societies with an interest in understanding the social-economic and political impact of the adoption of technologies like Internet, Artificial Intelligence and Nano Technology.