On December 1, 2022, a “thalassemia test camp” was organised by NSS, The Social Service Club, in collaboration with Mavericks, the BBA Social Committee of IMNU. Every year, the programme office organises the test camp with the assistance of the Prathama Blood Bank medical team. Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder characterised by less oxygen- carrying protein (haemoglobin) and fewer red blood cells in the body than normal. This disease usually remains unknown to the patient and therefore poses a greater threat to his or her health, with potential harm for their progeny. The medical professionals from Prathama Blood Bank raised the necessary awareness among the students. They also shared their vision of spreading awareness about thalassemia (minor and major), its consequences, and its treatment. The aim is to provide free assistance to students suffering from thalassemia major. The medical staff was provided with adequate facilities. The camp was a resounding success and a step forward for the medical well-being of students.